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Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan


BDC planning website:


The Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan which will help decide the future of the village between now and 2033. It gives the community the chance to have an influence over planning policy and an opportunity to plan our future, working alongside Braintree District Council's Local Plan.


The draft Plan has now been put out to consultation with residents.


Please note that the Consultation period (30th March 2023 - 17th May 2023) has now CLOSED.


However, the various documents which together comprise the Plan are still available to public view, following the links below:


Draft Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan 




Supporting documents to be formally incorporated as part of the Neighbourhood Plan

Report on Housing for Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan [link]



Sustainability Appraisal 



Design Guidance and Codes compiled by AECOM Limited and adopted as part of the Plan 



Landscape Character Assessment (plus two Appendices) compiled by Wynne-Williams Associates Limited and adopted as part of the Plan [links x 3]






Map SB1a - Map of Steeple Bumpstead Parish showing village Development Boundary 



Map SB1b - Map of Steeple Bumpstead Parish showing close-up of village Development Boundary [link]



Map SB3 - Map of Steeple Bumpstead Parish showing areas lying above 70m AOD [link]



Map SB6 - Map showing areas of business use within the Parish [link]



Map SB8 - Map showing public space areas within the Parish [link]



Map SB9 - Map showing areas of community use within the Parish [link]





Feedback already received during the Consultation period will be taken into account when drafting the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan. A copy of feedback comments and action taken will be included in the Consultation Statement which will be published as part of the next stage of the process.













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