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Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan


The Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has drawn up a draft Neighbourhood Plan which will help decide the future of the village between now and 2033. It gives the community the chance to have an influence over planning policy and an opportunity to plan our future, working alongside Braintree District Council's Local Plan.


The draft Plan was put out to consultation with residents by the Parish Council under what is called a “Regulation 14” process, and responses were received during the Consultation period which was 30th March 2023 - 17th May 2023.


These responses have now been collated and carefully considered by the Steering Group, following which a number of amendments have been made to the draft Plan. The updated Plan has now been submitted to Braintree District Council, together with a number of supporting documents as set out below.


The next stage in the process is for Braintree District Council to put the updated Plan out to a second public consultation under what is called a “Regulation 16” process, which runs from Tuesday 19th March until 5pm on Friday 3rd May. Further details relating to this are on Braintree District Council’s website here

Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan – Neighbourhood planning – Braintree District Council


To respond to the Regulation 16 Consultation, please click here 

The various documents which together comprise the Plan can be seen by following the links below:


Draft Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan [link]


Supporting documents to be formally incorporated as part of the Neighbourhood Plan

Report on Housing for Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan [link]


Sustainability Appraisal [link]


Design Guidance and Codes compiled by AECOM Limited and adopted as part of the Plan [link]


Landscape Character Assessment (plus two Appendices) compiled by Wynne-Williams Associates Limited and adopted as part of the Plan [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3]


Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement compiled by DAC Planning Limited and adopted as part of the Plan [link]


Steeple Bumpstead Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement compiled by DAC Planning Limited and adopted as part of the Plan [link]



See letter from the Independent Examiner of the draft Plan dated 22 July 2024 [link]​


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