We have compiled a list of activities from across the district where you can go somewhere warm and welcoming this winter. It doesn’t matter why you need a warm space this winter, we’re all struggling with energy bills, whoever you are you’ll be greeted with respect and friendliness at a warm space. Find your nearest activity here; https://www.braintree.gov.uk/.../debt-management-cost.../8 Are you providing a warm space that’s missing from our list? Please send us a message or email communityservices@braintree.gov.uk including Name of activity (eg. Coffee Morning) Venue Day Time Address and postcode If it is free or charged A link, profile or contact for more information If you’re thinking of opening a warm space, funding is available from Essex County Council - https://www.essex.gov.uk/.../new-gbp100-000-fund-to-help...