There are less than two weeks left for residents to have their say on the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan.
Like other Planning Authorities across the country, Essex County Council is required to publish a Minerals Local Plan.
This provides planning policies for minerals development in Essex and identifies future sites for mineral extraction – otherwise known as quarrying.
Last month, the council launched a consultation on the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan.
As part of this, residents and other stakeholders are being invited to feedback on the sites submitted for inclusion, as well as the revised Plan itself.
Councillor Lee Scott, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Planning a Growing Economy, said: “Minerals are essential to our way of life and we need a proper plan in place to secure an adequate supply to support the development and future growth of Essex.
“There is still time for residents to have their say on the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan and I would urge them to do so before the deadline in just under two weeks.
“I would reiterate no decisions on potential sites have been made at this stage and we will take the views of our communities into account as the Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan is finalised."
Take part in the consultation before Tuesday 19 March at