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Landscapes Tender now Closed
A new page has been set up on this website, it has all questions asked, with answers, published for all to see.
There is also a site tour available. See page for details.
Please contact the clerk by email if possible– or your local Councillor
Donate a Bench - local businesses?
The bench in the play area needs to be removed and the Parish Council would like to replace it with a bench to be placed outside of the play area.
If you are a local business and would like to donate a bench and base please get in touch with the Clerk. You can have a plaque on the bench to state that it was donate by your business.
Please contact the clerk by email if possible– or 01787 237999
Community Herb planter is open
The community herb planter which was completely grant funded and installed by volunteers is now completed, the Beavers group are looking after the seasonal planter and the others have been planted up with hardy herbs and some pansies and violas.
Some signage is due to be installed.

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